2025 International Conference on Intelligent Equipment and Industrial Design (IEID 2025)
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Prof. Giuseppe Carbone

University of Calabria, Italy

Giuseppe Carbone is Professor at DIMEG, University of Calabria, since 2018. Since 2020 he is Chair of the IFToMM TC on Robotics and Mechatronics. He has got the Master and Ph.D. degree at University of Cassino (Italy) where he has been a Key Member of LARM (Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics) for about 20 years. He has carried out several periods of study and research abroad in Germany, Japan, China, South Korea, Brazil, Spain, UK, France, also delivering regular teaching courses in Spain and UK. The duties of his academic position include supervising or co- supervising students at bachelor, master, and PhD level as well as the supervision of several visiting scholars/researchers/professors from foreign countries.

His research interests cover aspects of Robotics, Mechatronics, Engineering Design, Mechanics of Manipulation and Grasp with over 500 research paper outputs, 20 patents, and 16 Phd completions. He edited/co-edited four books that have been published by Springer and Elsevier International Publishers. He has been member of about 20 PhD evaluation Commissions and Viva in Italy, Spain, Finland, UK, Romania, Mexico. He has delivered Invited Keynote or Plenary speeches or Seminars at more than 30 International events. He has been principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI of more than 20 projects including 7th European Framework, H2020 funds, Horizon Europe collecting more than 7 million Euros in competitive funds. He serves in the editorial board of several international journals, including being Editor-in-Chief of ROBOTICA (Cambridge Univ. Press), Section Editor in Chief of Journal of Bionic Engineering (Springer), Machines (MDPI), Robotics (MDPI), Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Associate editor of IEEE RA-L, ASME Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems, Advanced Robotic Systems and many others.