2025 International Conference on Intelligent Equipment and Industrial Design (IEID 2025)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

◕ Intelligent Equipment / 智能装备

· Intelligent Control Systems / 智能控制系统

· Intelligent Industrial Robotics / 智能工业机器人

· Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing / 机器学习和人工智能在制造中的应用

· Smart Sensors and Actuators / 智能传感器和执行器

· Human-Machine Interaction and Collaboration / 人机交互和协作

· Smart Manufacturing /智能制造

· Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory / 工业4.0与智能工厂

· Digital Manufacturing of Intelligent Equipment/ 数字化制造

· Automation and Robotics Frontiers / 自动化与机器人前沿技术

· Intelligent Maintenance and Diagnostics / 智能维护与诊断

· Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Equipment/ 智能交通与物流装备

· Intelligent Agricultural Equipment / 智能农业装备

· Mechatronics and System Integration / 机电一体化与系统集成

· Automated Inspection and Measurement Technology / 自动化检测与测量技术

· Intelligent Power and Electronic Equipment / 电力与电子设备的智能化

· Reliability and Safety of Intelligent Equipment / 智能装备的可靠性与安全性

· Standardization and Interoperability of Intelligent Equipment / 智能装备的标准化与互操作性

· Application of VR/AR in Intelligent Industrial Equipment/ VR/AR在智能工业装备中的应用

· Multi-robot System Coordination and Control / 多机器人系统协调与控制

· Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) / 工业物联网(IIoT)

· Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Technology of Intelligent Equipment / 智能装备的环保与节能技术

· Underwater Intelligent Equipment / 水下智能装备

· Intelligent Industrial Equipment Wireless Communication Technology / 智能工业装备无线通讯技术

· Data-driven Manufacturing Optimization / 数据驱动的制造优化

· Space and Planetary Exploration Equipment / 太空与行星探测设备

◕ Industrial Design / 工业设计

· User Experience Design (UX) & User Interface Design (UI) / 用户体验设计(UX)与用户界面设计(UI)

· Automotive & Transportation Design / 汽车与交通工具设计

· Digital Service Design / 数字服务设计

· Virtual Design & Simulation / 虚拟设计与仿真

· Intelligent Health & Medical Equipment Design / 智能健康与医疗装备设计

· Wearable Health Monitoring Devices Design/ 穿戴式健康监测设备设计

· Human Factors Engineering & Ergonomics / 人因工程与人体工学

· Innovative Product Design / 创新产品设计

· Wearable Technology / 可穿戴技术

· Scenario Design / 情景设计

· Application of Big Data and AI in Design / 大数据与AI在设计中的应用

· Visual Communication and Information Design / 视觉传达与信息设计

· Drone and Aerial Equipment Design / 无人机与航空设备设计

· Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Industrial Design / 虚拟及增强现实在工业设计中的应用

· 3D Modeling & Animation / 3D建模与动画

· Configurable and customized Product Design / 可配置与定制产品设计

· Aerospace Ergonomics / 航空航天人机工效学

· Energy Management & Smart Grid Design / 能源管理与智能电网设计

· Micro and Nano Device Design / 微型与纳米设备设计

· Design of Intelligent Logistics and Warehousing Systems / 智能物流与仓储系统设计

· Human-Machine Inclusion and Intelligent Human-Machine Interface / 人机共融与智能人机界面

· Modular Design of Smart Equipment / 智能装备的模块化设计